Leclerc Drive & Mon Leclerc




Leclerc, one of the leaders in large-scale retail in France, asked for our expertise to improve two of their flagship applications: Leclerc Drive and Mon Leclerc. Faced with increasingly intense competition and ever more demanding users, Leclerc sought to optimize the user experience while introducing new relevant features.


The “Leclerc Drive” and “Mon Leclerc” applications, initially developed natively, presented scalability and maintenance challenges. In addition, user feedback indicated difficulties in navigating the “Leclerc Drive” application, which affected customer satisfaction and the conversion rate. In addition, the “Mon Leclerc” application lacked customization features, limiting its ability to retain customers more.

Feekr's response

We led the transition to a cross-platform solution, which led to increased consistency and simplified maintenance for the iOS and Android versions. This approach has been complemented by the introduction of innovative features, thus improving the user experience and meeting contemporary customer requirements.


With the transition to our cross-platform tool and the addition of new features, both applications have seen their performance, stability and user experience improve. The conversion rate of the “Leclerc Drive” application has improved, testifying to smoother navigation and greater user satisfaction. As for “Mon Leclerc”, customer loyalty has increased thanks to new personalization features. Overall, our work has not only solved the initial problems, but has also elevated these applications to the rank of models for mass retailers.

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