The IT company that turns your dream project into reality

Excellence and expertise in cloud development, web development, mobile application development, and product design:  your digital future starts here.

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We are an IT services agency specializing in web development, mobile development, cloud migration, and UI & UX Design. We transform your ideas into customized products.

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Abdeloihid El Mardi, CEO de Feekr, entreprise de services informatiques à Lille
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Our services,
Our passion.

With our team of enthusiasts, we create custom solutions in cloud, web, mobile development, and product design. From consulting to implementation, we perfect your digital project


Optimize with agility. Transition to the cloud seamlessly.

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Captivating websites. Flawless experience and performance.

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Apps that engage. Smoothness and responsiveness at your fingertips.

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No-code & Automation

Test your app idea with no-code. Quick execution, reduced costs.

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UI and UX

Intuitive product design with a flawless user experience.

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and Training

Refined strategies.
Amplified skills

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What our clients say.

Impressed by the quality of the business applications developed by Feekr and their ability to propose optimal solutions. An expert and efficient partnership.

Photo témoignage client Quentin

Quentin S.

What our clients say

A team that is available, responsive, and listens to you. I was impressed by their ability to understand the need and propose tailored and innovative solutions. Thanks again, Feekr, I will not hesitate to use your services again.

Photo témoignage client stéphane

Stéphane D.

What our clients say.

A team that is available, responsive, and listens to you. I was impressed by their ability to understand the need and propose tailored and innovative solutions. Thanks again, Feekr, I will not hesitate to use your services again.

Photo témoignage client Lisa

Lisa S.

What our clients say

Feekr has been proactive in finding the most effective solution in the context of a redesign of one of our high-value projects. Always on the lookout for new developments, they are constantly seeking improvement.

Photo témoignage client Youssef

Youssef C.

Feekr Adapts to
who you are

Feekr adapts to your business, large or small, for smart and targeted growth.

Are you a startup?
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Are you an SME
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Are you a large corporation?
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Are you an institution?
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Feekr for Startups

At Feekr, we understand the energy and innovation that startups bring to the market. We also know that resources are often limited and that every investment must be wise. That's why we offer agile and scalable solutions that allow you to quickly test your ideas, iterate, and grow. We support you in launching impactful products, ensuring that our collaboration propels your vision towards success.

Feekr for SMEs

For SMEs, adapting to digital evolution while managing daily operations is a major challenge. Feekr is here to help you navigate this digital universe with custom solutions that precisely meet your needs. Whether it's optimizing your internal processes or enhancing your online presence, we have the expertise needed to help you achieve your goals while respecting your budget.

Feekr for Large Corporations

Large corporations face unique challenges, including managing complexity, integrating systems, and securing data. Feekr has the experience and skills to manage large-scale projects, offering customized solutions that integrate seamlessly with your existing infrastructures. We help you innovate and stay competitive in an ever-evolving market, providing you with the latest technologies and methodologies.

Feekr for Institutions

Institutions, with their specific requirements in terms of compliance, accessibility, and security, need technology partners who understand these challenges. Feekr has experience working with institutions to develop reliable and secure digital solutions that adhere to the strictest standards. We are committed to providing you with services that enhance the efficiency of your operations and strengthen the trust of your users.

Service de Cloud de Feekr

Développement Cloud, un avenir déjà d'actualité.

Chez Feekr, nous façonnons l'avenir numérique avec une expertise Cloud de premier plan.

Notre savoir-faire a propulsé des entreprises de renom vers des migrations Cloud sécurisées et stratégiques, qu'elles soient privées, souveraines ou hybrides.

Nous créons des infrastructures Cloud sur mesure, optimisées pour allier économie et performance.

Notre approche vise à perfectionner votre investissement dans le Cloud, en optimisant vos coûts tout en maximisant l'efficacité.

Feekr est synonyme de qualité, de sécurité et de résilience dans le Cloud, s'adaptant constamment aux évolutions technologiques pour garder votre entreprise à la pointe.

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Service développement mobile de Feekr

Développement Mobile, des applications oufs.

À Feekr, nous savons qu'un projet mobile peut varier d'un MVP simple à une application complexe, et nous sommes équipés pour relever chaque défi.

Notre expertise en iOS, Android et solutions cross-platform nous permet de donner vie à toutes vos idées, en assurant une réalisation sur mesure qui rencontre et dépasse vos attentes.

Nous valorisons une collaboration étroite et transparente, vous impliquant à chaque étape pour garantir que le résultat final soit exactement ce dont vous avez besoin.

Que vous souhaitiez valider votre concept sur le marché ou développer une solution robuste, Feekr est votre partenaire de confiance.

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Service de développement web à Lille par l'agence Feekr

Développement Web, des solutions web d'exception

Feekr se distingue dans le développement web, en concevant des sites vitrines captivants, des e-commerces robustes, et des applications web d'une complexité impressionnante.

Avec une maîtrise des technologies de pointe comme Vue.js, ReactJS, et React Native, nous sommes également experts dans l'intégration de CMS reconnus tels que WordPress et PrestaShop pour des solutions sur mesure.

Notre équipe s'engage à transformer vos visions en solutions web innovantes, performantes et sécurisées. Laissez Feekr être le moteur de votre succès en ligne.

Découvrez la  méthode Feekr pour la construction d'un projet web.

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service design ui ux par feekr à Lille

Design UI & UX, des produits sophistiqués.

Au cœur de Feekr, le design UI & UX incarne notre passion pour créer des expériences utilisateur mémorables.

Nous plongeons dans l'audit de vos plateformes existantes pour révéler des améliorations transformatrices, facilitons des ateliers UX qui éclairent et innovent, et donnons vie à des idées à travers des prototypes avant-gardistes.

Notre engagement ne s'arrête pas là : nous sculptons des projets de A à Z, en veillant à ce que chaque touche visuelle et chaque interaction crée un lien durable avec votre audience.

Chez Feekr, nous croyons que le bon design est celui qui parle à l'âme, invitant l'utilisateur dans un voyage à la fois simple et extraordinaire.

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Service de création de produits no code par Feekr à Lille

No-Code & Automatisation, l'innovation accessible.

Au cœur de Feekr, le design UI & UX incarne notre passion pour créer des expériences utilisateur mémorables.

Nous plongeons dans l'audit de vos plateformes existantes pour révéler des améliorations transformatrices, facilitons des ateliers UX qui éclairent et innovent, et donnons vie à des idées à travers des prototypes avant-gardistes.

Notre engagement ne s'arrête pas là : nous sculptons des projets de A à Z, en veillant à ce que chaque touche visuelle et chaque interaction crée un lien durable avec votre audience.

Chez Feekr, nous croyons que le bon design est celui qui parle à l'âme, invitant l'utilisateur dans un voyage à la fois simple et extraordinaire.

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Cloud migration,
A future already here.

At Feekr, we shape the digital future with leading Cloud expertise. Our know-how has propelled renowned companies towards secure and strategic Cloud migrations, be they private, sovereign, or hybrid. We create custom Cloud infrastructures, optimized to combine economy and performance. Our approach aims to perfect your Cloud investment by optimizing costs while maximizing efficiency. Feekr stands for quality, security, and resilience in the Cloud, constantly adapting to technological evolutions to keep your business at the forefront.

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Mobile Development,
Applications that reflect you.

At Feekr, we understand that a mobile project can range from a simple MVP to a complex application, and we are equipped to meet every challenge. Our expertise in iOS, Android, and cross-platform solutions allows us to bring all your ideas to life, ensuring a tailor-made realization that meets and exceeds your expectations. We value close and transparent collaboration, involving you at every step to ensure that the final result is exactly what you need. Whether you wish to validate your concept in the market or develop a robust solution, Feekr is your trusted partner.

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Web development, Exceptional web solutions.

Feekr excels in web development, creating captivating showcase sites, robust e-commerce, and impressively complex web applications. With a mastery of cutting-edge technologies like Vue.js, ReactJS, and React Native, we are also experts in integrating recognized CMS such as WordPress and PrestaShop for custom solutions. Our team is committed to transforming your visions into innovative, high-performance, and secure web solutions. Let Feekr be the engine of your online success. Discover the Feekr method for building a web project.

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UI & UX Design,
Sophisticated products.

At the heart of Feekr, UI & UX design embodies our passion for creating memorable user experiences. We dive into the audit of your existing platforms to reveal transformative improvements, facilitate UX workshops that enlighten and innovate, and bring ideas to life through avant-garde prototypes. Our commitment doesn't stop there: we sculpt projects from A to Z, ensuring that every visual touch and interaction creates a lasting connection with your audience. At Feekr, we believe that good design speaks to the soul, inviting the user on a journey that is both simple and extraordinary.

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Service de Design UI UX de Feekr à Lille

No-Code & Automation,
Accessible Innovation.

At Feekr, we understand that time and budget are crucial when you're ready to test your market. That's why we offer quick and economical solutions to bring your concepts to life without compromising on quality. Whether you're looking to launch a mobile app, web software, or an elegant website with Webflow, our no-code approach is the key to getting started without delays or excessive expenses. Unlock the potential of your idea and enter your first market with confidence. Discover the Feekr method for building a no-code project.

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At Feekr, every project is an opportunity to push boundaries, thanks to our comprehensive expertise in web, mobile, and cloud development, enriched by a passion for product design. Transform your ideas into an unforgettable experience with us. Embrace innovation, and watch your business reach new heights. Ready to reinvent your online presence? Contact us

& Life at Feekr

Advice, tips, and anecdotes:
Dive into our daily life.

Lille-based IT company , connected to the world

Located in Lille, in the north of France. Feekr is surrounded by global partners, serving clients from all corners of the globe. Whether it's over a coffee in our offices or via Google Meet, we're always delighted to discuss your project. ☕️

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Questions & Answers

Answers to your question

Find the answers at Feekr: our FAQ quickly sheds light on our services and our support.

What is Feekr's mission?
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What is Feekr's commitment to its clients?
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How does collaboration between Feekr and its clients work?
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How does communication between Feekr and its clients work?
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Feekr's mission

At Feekr, our vision is to democratize access to computing, making advanced technologies accessible to everyone. We believe in an inclusive digital future, where every business, big or small, can leverage the potential of tech to grow and innovate.

Our commitment to our clients

Our priority is the satisfaction and interest of our clients above all. At Feekr, we meticulously analyze your project to recommend only what you truly need. Far from seeking profitability at any cost, our goal is to provide you with optimal and tailor-made solutions, without unnecessary frills or costs. We believe in a collaboration based on honesty, transparency, and respect for your budget and ambitions.

How can I start a project with Feekr?

It's simple and quick! To start your project with Feekr, schedule an appointment directly in our calendar. This way, you can choose the time that suits you best for an in-depth discussion.

During this meeting, we will explore together your needs, objectives, and how we can help you achieve them through our customized solutions.

Our process is fully transparent, and you will be kept informed at every stage of your project. Get started now by scheduling an appointment with us to turn your ambitions into reality.

How does Feekr communicate with its clients?

At Feekr, transparency is key. We provide each client with access to a collaboration tracking dashboard, which includes a real-time progress schedule.

For daily communications, we adapt to your preferences: Teams, Slack, or WhatsApp, it's your choice.

Moreover, we have regular meetings to review and adjust direction if necessary.

Let's talk about
your project

Discover how we can turn your ambitions into reality.